Practice_01: 線を引く
EUKARYOTEでは6月7日(金)から6月30日(日)までの会期にて、久保田智広、畑山太志、三瓶玲奈によるグループ展『Practice_01: 線を引く』を開催いたします。
Practice_01: Drawing Lines
Eukaryote is pleased to present Practice_01: Drawing Lines, a group exhibition of artworks by Tomohiro Kubota, Taishi Hatayama and Reina Mikame from June 7 to June 30, 2019.
This exhibition was self-organized by the three participating artists as a continuation of a series of conversations they had spanning nearly an entire year, taking the topics covered in them in order to expand the possibilities of their work, with an importance placed on the practice of making. As the first of such presentations, the exhibition focuses on the act of “drawing lines”, aiming for new developments in each artist’s work.
- Drawing Lines
From national borders to genders, landscapes, animals and plants, to cups and chairs, borders are created whenever we humans attempt to grasp things or events around us, which enables us to comprehend the world we live in. However, it is also true that the borders drawn on different phases are provisional, fraught with miscognitions and missing parts.
Drawing Lines attempts to re-consider such borders already drawn on multiple phases, from the perspective of each artist as to create new drawings of lines.
Interested in the making process of moral and ethical values, Tomohiro Kubota sheds lights on how we might re-draw the ever-shifting baselines on which we live. Dealing with subjects of nature, life, and spirits with a belief in invisible realms as opposed to the visible, Taishi Hatayama probes the borders between the material and the immaterial. Taking landscapes and still lifes as a starting point, Reina Mikame attempts to find not only the outlines our cognitive view prescribes to things and events, but the lines that inherently exist within our cognition. Throughout the exhibition, the action of drawing lines produces a distinct domain, which in itself becomes a guiding line for new domains.
What lines can we draw today?